What you need to know about the secure act 2.0
The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) 2.0 Act builds on the previously passed SECURE Act of 2019 and contains 92 new provisions promoting retirement savings, offering more retirement account flexibility and incentivizes businesses as it relates to offering retirement plans.
What's Your Guilty Pleasure?
C’mon admit it – you have a guilty pleasure. You don’t need to be embarrassed; we all have them. There is nothing wrong with having them. In fact, as long as they are within reason, we encourage them as life is about relationships and experiences and sometimes a guilty pleasure is just what the doctor ordered.
5 Signs You're Working with an 'Asset Gatherer', Not a Financial Planner
I’m going to let you in on a secret in the money management world. Most advisors’ income is solely dependent on the dollars inside the investment accounts under their watch, which means they are laser focused on growing their ‘assets under management’
You Could Build Your Own Financial Plan, But You Probably Won't
The fact is, most folks can’t or won’t find the time to dig in and really make sure they have their financial ducks in a row.
Monsanto Employees: Understanding your Stock and Options as the Bayer Merger Approaches
As we approach the Monsanto-Bayer merger, it’s important to understand what you have and what you can expect to happen with your stock, options and Restricted Stock. Without a finance degree, it can be difficult to decipher your holdings. You might be embarrassed to admit you don’t understand what you have. Trust me, you aren’t the only one. Let’s unpack what you have and things you should think about as the merger approaches.
Are you tired of the rat race?
If you understand your "why" and reframe the idea of ‘retirement’, financial independence can be closer than you think.
The 4 Biggest Financial Challenges Facing Young Doctors
As a physician, your sole focus in your twenties (and likely into your thirties) was learning your craft--undergrad, med school, internships, fellowships, post docs, etc. You’ve given up countless hours with your nose in books and days on end at the hospital to become a physician. Now that you’re an attending doctor (or close to it), you’re hoping that the hard work will pay off for you financially. Unfortunately, though, many physicians fall prey to traps that will hinder them from flourishing financially once their income finally rises.
Business Owners: Is Your Employees' Financial Health Harming Your Business?
Are your employees among those who are uneasy about their finances? Whether you like or not, they’re looking to you for help. Even if your workforce is highly educated they still might have little to no personal financial acumen. Here are 3 ways you can help your employees with financial wellness to make them happier people and in turn, better employees.