Don’t Buy the Rhetoric: Think Twice Before Making Investment Moves Ahead of the Election
Investors are asking if they should make changes ahead of the election, given the lingering pandemic, racial divide and a vacated supreme court seat. Rather than fall prey to a ‘sky is falling’ mentality based on who might win the election, let’s take step back and use history and data to guide our belief that you should remain committed to a long term, disciplined investment approach.
Q&A with MDP's Newest Partner: Mark Schweiss CFP®, CPA, CFA
Mark Schweiss CFP®, CPA, CFA joined the firm late in 2017. He humored me by answering a few questions so you could learn more about him.
Long Days and Short Years
Sometimes we put off important things that aren't urgent. Financial planning should be moved up your list.
Does Spending Make You Queasy?
Do you feel guilty any time you spend money? You don't have to live this way.
Friends Don't Let Friends Buy Whole Life Insurance
When you graduated from college, do you remember when old 'friends' who had gotten jobs with insurance companies began trying to set up lunch to 'catch up' with you all of the sudden?
4 Financial Moves to Consider When You Change Jobs
Starting a new job can be a pivotal time in your life. Chances are you are getting to do something that better levers the skills and experiences you’ve built over your career. It’s also a time when you’re likely being rewarded financially for all that hard work. Consider these 4 tips to make sure you’re capitalizing on the momentum of your new role.
Are you tired of the rat race?
If you understand your "why" and reframe the idea of ‘retirement’, financial independence can be closer than you think.
Witnessing An Entrepreneurial Renaissance in St. Louis
With all the negative press that St. Louis often gets around things like racial divide, a fractured city/county, the departure of the Rams, corporate exits and the like, we should be celebrating the startup revolution happening in our city. This startup culture has the opportunity to change St. Louis’ trajectory.
The 4 Biggest Financial Challenges Facing Young Doctors
As a physician, your sole focus in your twenties (and likely into your thirties) was learning your craft--undergrad, med school, internships, fellowships, post docs, etc. You’ve given up countless hours with your nose in books and days on end at the hospital to become a physician. Now that you’re an attending doctor (or close to it), you’re hoping that the hard work will pay off for you financially. Unfortunately, though, many physicians fall prey to traps that will hinder them from flourishing financially once their income finally rises.
Business Owners: Is Your Employees' Financial Health Harming Your Business?
Are your employees among those who are uneasy about their finances? Whether you like or not, they’re looking to you for help. Even if your workforce is highly educated they still might have little to no personal financial acumen. Here are 3 ways you can help your employees with financial wellness to make them happier people and in turn, better employees.
What Does a Financial Planner Do?
Most people think of a financial planner as someone that helps you with investments. A true financial planner, however, is uniquely trained to help understand your complete financial picture.