Attitude is Everything
Through many stressful and strenuous events over the course of my life, I’ve come to realize the importance of a positive ‘can do’ attitude and how it is so integral to your outcomes and experiences.
My first of nine marathons.
For most of my 20’s I was a marathon runner. Believe it or not, running a marathon is much more about attitude and your mental toughness than it is about your physical prowess. Even elite marathon runners whose bodies are well trained will tell you that it is their attitude and mental abilities that ultimately dictate their results. Those of us who are novice marathoners need to lean on our attitudes even more as our bodies are not conditioned to run that far. To be able to cross that finish line, we need to be mentally tough and we need to maintain a positive ‘can do’ attitude. It is truly mind over matter!
If you were to have seen me running these marathons, you would have thought I was a crazy person the last 6 miles of each race. This is typically when you hit the ‘wall’. I countered the exhaustion by constantly giving myself an out-loud, verbal pep talk. Sure, there were observers along the route cheering you on, but they don’t truly understand what you’re going though. I needed to be my own self-motivator.
The Marathon that Was 2020
Enter, 2020— A year where all of us have been forced to run a marathon whether we like it or not. This year, more than any other, has shined the spotlight on attitude and its importance in achieving a positive outcome.
For most of us, life has come to a screeching halt—No more commuting to work, no more travel, no more going to ballgames or concerts. Some of us have had to learn how to juggle work video conferences while homeschooling kids or caring for infants, which can be incredibly stressful. In general, though, our lives have slowed down dramatically, without us asking for it and definitely without our approval. We didn’t sign up for this marathon. We were involuntarily thrust into it and forced to learn how to manage the physical and mental challenges that it poses. Attitude is what will get us through.
Staying tough, staying positive and upbeat is a prerequisite to managing through 2020. We all know people that have taken advantage of this slow down in their lives by getting in better shape, having more sit down family dinners, tackling home renovations or taking up new hobbies to help pass the time. On the flip side, many have struggled with the challenges this marathon has presented. They may have become more anxious or recluse, they may have put on some weight and/or turned to vices that are not making it any easier for them to be able to finish this race.
And what do you think is the biggest difference between these two groups of people – their attitudes!!!
The Senior Class of 1989 at St. Johns University. We finished in the top four nationally.
Lessons Learned Through Athletics
I’ve been fortunate to accomplish many things in sports over my lifetime. I’ve finished numerous marathons, played Division III college football on a team that consistently finished in the top 4 in the nation and played on various baseball teams that have won state and national tournaments. I understand the importance of how a positive ‘can-do’ attitude allows you to play at a very high level but, more importantly, how it can get you through situations when you are faced with extreme adversity.
In any given year, some of us may find ourselves faced with challenges and adversity, but in 2020 we have all had to deal with the exact same challenges and adversity --- we are all in the same boat, we are all running in the same marathon.
The 2013 Longhorns
Staying strong, staying positive, looking at your life through rose-colored glasses has never been more important than it is right now. Not only will your attitude help you to finish this race, but it will allow you to come out of it stronger and in a much better position than before you entered it.
Keep the faith as we believe this marathon is nearing its end and if you have hit that wall, please let us know—Coach Schweiss is here to give you pep talk!!